
Who am I?

I am Sven, welcome to my world! I’m passionate about seeing as much of the world as I can in my lifetime, and experiencing as many peoples and cultures as possible. Most of my writing will (ideally) be about trips I am currently taking, or occasionally past trips I feel were exciting or interesting. I am also a lover of film and sports, and like sharing my opinions on these matters as I believe other people will find them relatable or (potentially) informative.

If you’re asking yourself, “Why should I read or care about Sven’s writing?”; that's a good question. I’m not a particularly great writer, especially not grammatically, nor do I live a particularly interesting lifestyle. What I believe makes my writing standout from others is that it's written by me (I know, how humble). By that I mean, I bring my own perspective to a variety of topics and I think I can give a humorous, honest, and informative view that can bring some value to the reader. Hope you agree, would help make this venture profitable (or at the least not costly).